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Inclusive Sport

What Is Inclusive Sport?

Edmonton Quadball Association defines inclusive sport as a sporting environment that all participants feel welcome and comfortable participating in. Sports are an awesome part of our culture, but traditionally exclusionary. Many minority groups, BIPOC, low income, queer and trans, disabled, and low income folks, face barriers to participation in sports. Our goal at Edmonton Quadball Association is to provide barrier free sport to all.

How Do We Do This?

Quadball’s origins included all genders in our rulebook. From its inception, quadball has been a sport where trans athletes can play sports in a gender affirming space. From there Edmonton Quadball Association has made inclusivity a goal, and has aimed to make affordability a top priority. The club covers fees for low income players, including students so everyone who wants to can play.

What Is Next?

We are still working on inclusivity. The current lack of BIPOC players means we are not doing enough to make our sport a safe place for racialized folks. We are committed to antiracism and anticolonialism; these both involve constantly listening and learning. As a sport, we hope to continue to grow for as long as we exist.

Edmonton Quadball